A Day Out at Jurassic Falls Adventure Golf

If you haven’t noticed, the kids really love dinosaurs – especially the youngest, Robin. This summer was all about new experiences for the three of them, and one of them was going off to play mini-golf. As a kid, Jupiter grew up in a very small town, which had it’s own mini-golf course as the major town nearby had quite a few. Going to mini-golf was something she did often and even played as apart of my school’s summer rec program. When looking for mini-golf, Jurassic Falls Adventure Golf seemed like the best option.

With all three kids in tow, we went off to Jurassic Falls. They have a mini-golf course that can be played through in about an hour, as well as a big climbing thing for older children. The climbing range is quite interesting, but Robin is just too small to go on it, so we skipped it this time around opting for just the Jurassic Falls golf. We grabbed our golf balls and clubs, then set off.

The course is pretty straight forward when it comes to walking around, as you just follow a simple path. The first few holes were simple in idea, just basic, straight forward mini-golf to get you all warmed up. Loads of large, exotic plants decorate the course, making you feel like you are in a rain forest. Along with the plants, there are numerous speakers that play dinosaur noises. At points, these were pretty loud, but they did add to the feeling of being in the Jurassic Falls.

As we got further into the course, more of the dinosaur decorations were present. Stegosaurus with moving heads, fossils under a water fall, giant fossil heads, and much more dotted around the course. These were lovely – as were the amount of water that can be seen on this course. Water was even used in one of the wholes, where you could either put your ball down a hill or into a stream, where it was taken to the other side of the hole. Many of the actual holes were like this at Jurassic Falls – allowing you to hit your ball through hidden areas or secret holes that then put them out on the other side. The very last hole actually had you putt the ball over a small river area, to the other side.

Once we had blasted through all 18 holes, we had lunch in their little picnic area. We had packed what we wanted to eat, but the area also has a cafe and ice cream for sale, as well as a small gift shop. All of the kids grabbed a toy from the gift shop before we left. Though we were only out for about half a day, it was a long day out in the sun, which was just what the kids needed. Jurassic Falls Adventure Golf is a fun day out. The company that runs this specific site, Adventure Golf, has three other sites in England that we plan on checking out in the future.

You can check out our other Days Out to see what else we’ve been up too!

You can check out our other Days Out to see what else we’ve been up too!

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